What was ronaldos lowest rating?

What was ronaldos lowest rating?

What was ronaldos lowest rating?

Ronaldo was named the 'worst player on the pitch' by La Gazzetta dello Sport. The Italian paper rates CR7 with low 4.5 out of 10 grade. "It's too easy to complain with De Sciglio or Bentancur. Juve signed Ronaldo to make the difference in these games.

  • 2023-10-24 05:43:31
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What are blizzards lowest rated games?
'Diablo Immortal' is Blizzard's lowest rated game on Metacritic.
2024-02-10 22:23:49

What is blizzards lowest rated games?
Diablo Immortal
Diablo Immortal
Diablo Immortal is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online (MMO) action role-playing game (ARPG), designed initially for play on mobile devices. It is an online-only game, requiring an internet connection during play.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Diablo_Immortal
Diablo Immortal - Wikipedia
has become Blizzard Entertainment's worst-reviewed game on Metacritic with a user score of 0.5 out of ten. Read More: What the hell has happened at Activision and why should you care?
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What is the lowest rated battlefield game?
Battlefield 2042 is tied with Battlefield Heroes and Battlefield Play4Free as the worst-received game in the series.
2024-01-02 16:23:19

Who is the lowest rated player in chess?
Lowest rated GM
Grandmaster (GM) is a title awarded to chess players by the world chess organization FIDE. Apart from World Champion, Grandmaster is the highest title a chess player can attain. Once achieved, the title is held for life, though exceptionally the title has been revoked for cheating.
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Grandmaster (chess) - Wikipedia
is Bisguier Arthur with 2179 points.
2023-10-19 06:14:44

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