Why do i have 5 packet loss?

Is 8 packet loss bad?
Losses between 5% and 10% of the total packet stream will affect the quality significantly." Another described less than 1% packet loss as "good" for streaming audio or video, and 1–2.5% as "acceptable".
2024-02-03 13:38:17
Why do i have 90 packet loss?
The most common cause of packet loss on a network is overloaded network devices. Switches and routers will drop data packets if they cannot process them in time.
2024-01-09 14:46:49
Why do i have 1 packet loss?
There are many potential causes of packet loss: A faulty ethernet port or cable. Issues with the network interface controller (NIC) in your PC. Outdated router firmware.
2024-01-09 01:25:36
Is 0 packet loss good?
There should be a lot less packet loss experienced on a private network than on the internet. Also, small networks should experience less packet loss than large networks in normal conditions. In general, a packet loss rate of 1 to 2.5 percent is seen as acceptable.
2023-05-20 19:19:02
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