What is elder dragons weakness?

What is elder dragons weakness?

What is elder dragons weakness?

Hunters going after this monster are best armed with Fire and Dragon-type weapons, which the elder dragon is weak against.

  • 2024-01-17 14:55:46
Show all Q/A Info

Was nergigante an elder dragon?
Nergigante was eventually classified as an elder dragon by the commission from it being far removed from traditional monster classifications due to its diet. Nergigante's tracks revealed that it preys upon other elder dragons.
2024-01-05 02:40:28

What is a dragons weakness in skyrim?
The Skeletal Dragon is a unique dragon found only in Labyrinthian that is made up entirely of bone, with no scales or flesh, and cannot fly. It breathes frost, but has no resistance to frost or weakness to fire; instead, it has weakness to magic (100 pts).
2023-12-04 18:57:34

Is nargacuga an elder dragon?
The known Deviants that can be considered as Elder Dragon-Level Monster include Hellblade Glavenus, Dreadking Rathalos, Dreadqueen Rathian, Silverwind Nargacuga, Grimclaw Tigrex, Crystalbeard Uragaan, Thunderlord Zinogre, Deadeye Yian Garuga, Elderfrost Gammoth, Boltreaver Astalos, Soulseer Mizutsune, and Bloodbath ...
2023-02-05 23:55:46

Why is kirin a elder dragon?
Despite its size, Kirin is considered to be an Elder Dragon from its influence on the environment's weather.
2023-01-10 19:38:41