Is 128 gb a lot for a phone?

Is 128 gb a lot for a phone?

Is 128 gb a lot for a phone?

Most people can do just fine with 64GB of storage, while 128GB is for those who need a little extra headroom to avoid the trouble of constantly freeing up phone storage.

  • 2023-12-22 17:17:30
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Is 12 gb ram a lot?
If you're an average PC user outside of heavy data processing, you probably won't need more than 8 to 12GB of laptop RAM.
2024-01-10 00:23:28

Is 1 gb of memory a lot?
1GB is barely enough for basic functionality like web browsing, word processing, and checking your email, but you can't expect it to run well. Also with only 1GB of RAM, you can forget about photo and video editing. 1GB isn't even passable for a consumer PC.
2023-08-01 15:36:46

Is 50 gb a lot of storage?
For the vast majority of phone users, 50GB is more than enough. Take a look at the table below to see how much data you use, on average, for each activity on your smartphone. For reference, a MB is a 'megabyte', and approximately 1,000MB make up one GB.
2023-05-11 12:42:15

Is 128 gb a lot for vr?
The base storage option with 128 GB will be more than enough for most people, especially if you're looking to save $100. 128 GB may not sound like a lot, but it's most likely to be more than enough to fit all of your games and apps with no problem, unless you have a huge library of over 30-40 big games, or more.
2023-02-05 03:55:56