Is there a nuke in infinite warfare?

Is there a nuke in infinite warfare?

Is there a nuke in infinite warfare?

In-game description. Nuclear is a Legendary gun perk in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, found upon certain weapon variants. It allows the player to earn a De-Atomizer Strike once they reach a 25 killstreak. Players are unable to earn a De-Atomizer Strike with other scorestreaks.

  • 2024-01-01 00:46:13
Show all Q/A Info

How long is a halo infinite multiplayer game?
When focusing on the main objectives, Halo Infinite is about 11 Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 27 Hours to obtain 100% completion.
2023-12-02 07:35:43

How many kills is a nuke in mw2?
You'll need to get 30 kills without dying (or a 30 kill streak) to get the Tactical Nuke in Modern Warfare 2. It was actually added after the initial launch, with the Juggernaut being the ultimate Killstreak before it came along.
2023-09-05 21:19:03

Can you play 4-player split-screen on infinite warfare?
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Multiplayer supports up to 18 players in an online game or 12 players in a LAN game. In split-screen, up to two players can participate in a Local Multiplayer game or two split-screen players can join an online match (Xbox One and PlayStation 4 only).
2023-05-11 23:10:52

Does infinite warfare have 3 player split-screen?
In split-screen, up to two players can participate in a Local Multiplayer game or two split-screen players can join an online match (Xbox One and PlayStation 4 only).
2023-01-17 10:35:45