How many k is 1080?

What is p.e.k.k.a dog name?
Pekka. A name from Finland meaning stone.
2024-02-08 10:55:28
How much fps will gtx 1080 give me?
Even the GTX 1080 could only manage an average 33.3fps, dropping down to 25fps at times. It was 22% faster than the GTX 980 Ti, though, which could only chug to 27.2fps. The GTX 980 wasn't able to compete in this particular test; GTA V would not allow itself to exceed the 980's 4GB of memory.
2023-12-26 18:27:36
Can a 1080 run dying light 2?
Viewing the performance found on the 7 year old GeForce GTX 1080 while playing Dying Light 2 we quickly see it can return a reliable 71 FPS. To get that Dying Light 2 is benched at High graphics setting and at 1080p. With such a great performance found in 1080p we step things up to 1440p.
2023-10-26 06:44:28
Is 1080 ti better than 1660 super?
The 1080 Ti is almost 40% faster than the 1660 super but also the 1080 Ti isn't a 1080p gaming gpu while the 1660 super is. So basically the 1080 Ti does get better fps in 1080p but it doesn't put as much value in 1080p as the 1660 super does.
2023-06-04 10:50:46
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