How long does it take to play through arkham city?

How long does it take to play through arkham city?

How long does it take to play through arkham city?

The game has approximately 40 hours of gameplay, with the main campaign lasting 25 hours and side missions lasting 15 hours.

  • 2023-09-11 02:41:44
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How long is arkham city story?
The game has approximately 40 hours of gameplay, with the main campaign lasting 25 hours and side missions lasting 15 hours. The side missions, which can be attempted at any time, feature prominent characters from the Batman universe. One such character, the Riddler, provides 440 optional "Riddler challenges" to solve.
2024-02-06 00:08:42

Should i play arkham city first?
You should play arkham asylum before arkham city as it is the first part of batman Arkham series. Also, the combats are not as tough as arkham city.
2024-01-15 13:15:01

How long is arkham city set after asylum?
The events of Arkham City are set 18 months after Batman: Arkham Asylum.
2024-01-05 06:51:53

Can an 11 year old play arkham city?
Batman Arkham for 11 and up.
The main problem is the swearing. But your kid has most likely heard it all before in school. There are no jumpscares and the only drug is a cure to a disease. Batman is a great role model for all kids as he never kills.
2024-01-03 23:32:59