What kind of mind is good at puzzles?

What kind of mind is good at puzzles?

What kind of mind is good at puzzles?

ISTP and ESTP: as analytical thinkers, these types have a natural knack for puzzles.

  • 2023-05-18 06:04:36
Show all Q/A Info

Is 2100 a good puzzle rating?
2100 puzzles are hard, and often not intuitive. I think anything that qualifies as "really long puzzle" or "mate in 5 or more"... wait is that still a puzzle or do you just want me to play a whole game against computer moves? And you get into quite a lot of those in puzzles rated over ~2000.
2024-02-01 12:59:39

How do you write a good puzzle?
The #1 rule in writing a puzzle is that you should make it fun. It's also the #2 and #3 rules! People solve puzzles because they want to be entertained, so it's your job when writing a puzzle to make it fun. People will re- member your puzzle fondly or not depending essentially on whether they had fun solving it.
2024-01-09 22:13:22

Is four of a kind a good hand?
Four-of-a-Kind is the second best possible hand in the poker hand ranking system. Only a Straight Flush ranks above it. Therefore, this is a very strong hand in Hold'em and is rarely beat on the river. That said, there are still many hands that rank under it.
2023-08-12 23:19:20

What kind of learner is good at puzzles?
The most obvious learning style for solving a puzzle is visual. Puzzles are also good for the kinesthetic tendencies of learners. Kinesthetic learners grow through practical hands-on activities.
2023-04-11 11:42:30