Should you give the deathclaw egg?

Does beating giovanni give you an egg?
Trainers have the opportunity to catch the Legendary Shadow Pokémon used by Giovanni at the moment of defeating him. Giovanni does not drop Strange Eggs as a reward, regardless of open egg inventory slots.
2024-03-20 19:54:49
Should i deliver the deathclaw egg?
After arriving in the nest area, the player character can take the deathclaw gauntlet before putting the egg in the nest. However, if the Sole Survivor takes the egg after putting it back, the deathclaw will become hostile and attack.
2024-01-19 09:23:29
Can i give my girlfriend my eggs?
Reciprocal in vitro fertilization (IVF) for lesbians allows both women to participate in the pregnancy. One woman supplies her eggs, retrieved and fertilized by donated sperm in IVF, with the resulting embryo(s) implanted into her partner for pregnancy as a gestational carrier.
2023-11-22 14:26:04
What happens if i deliver deathclaw egg?
Deliver The Egg
Mention the Deathclaw egg to the robot, and it'll ramble on for a bit before offering you 200 caps as a reward. You can try to persuade Wellingham to get more if you want; otherwise, hand over the item.
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