What is the best gun for hunting in far cry 5?

How do you carry more weapons in far cry 5?
To unlock additional slots in your Weapons Wheel, consider unlocking the Perks Additional Holster and Weapons Collector - they allow you to carry one additional weapon each that can be selected through your Weapons Wheel. Sometimes, you might find weapons in-game that you have not unlocked yet.
2024-02-15 03:29:41
How did far cry 5 get nuked?
The Collapse refers to a global nuclear catastrophe which occurred in September 2018, during the events of Far Cry 5. The Collapse was the result of escalating tensions between major world superpowers, which ultimately led to nuclear strikes on the United States.
2024-01-04 17:05:23
Where is dutch located far cry 5?
Richard Roosevelt, better known as "Dutch", is a survivalist living on his own island near the Whitetail Mountains region of Hope County. He is the first resistance member the deputy makes contact with, and keeps supplying information to the player throughout the campaign through the radio.
2023-07-14 09:50:47
What are guns for hire in far cry 5 new game plus?
Guns for Hire are special NPCs that can be called to your character to help fight against cultists when you're feeling a little outnumbered. There are humans like Jess and some that are animals, like Cheeseburger, and they're unlocked throughout the game as you complete quests.
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