Where is the 50 bee gate in bee swarm simulator?

Are bee the best playing cards?
Perfect for Poker and other games Bee brand playing cards are premium quality. Considered more durable than the average paper cards these playing cards maintain their shape for increased play and use.
2024-01-16 17:22:38
Where is the 20 gate in bee swarm simulator?
The Ant Gate, also called the 20 Bee Gate, is a gate that requires 20 bees to pass through. It is found near the Noob Shop, behind the traveling/event bear (e.g. Sun Bear) area. The gate gets its name from the large Army Ant on it.
2024-01-08 17:10:30
What is the infinity flower in bee sim?
The Infinity Flower is a flower found in the temple of the Oasis zone. The flower will never break and grant honey instead of pollen. The player must be at the evolution of Wasp or higher in order to enter, but it costs no honey to unlock the area.
2024-01-04 05:07:58
Does the old queen bee leave with a swarm?
Remember, the old queen leaves with the swarm usually just prior to the queen cells being capped. Usually – but not always (there are very little absolutes when it comes to bees and beekeeping).
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