Can a wingless dragon fly?

Is a dragon fly a spider?
A dragonfly is an insect in the order Oodonata (Oh-da-nah-da), which means "toothed one" (we'll get back to this) .
2024-02-13 16:01:37
Is a daddy long legs a dragon fly?
The daddy longlegs is actually a large type of cranefly, of which there are 94 species in the UK. It is familiar to us in its adult form as the gangly insect that flits around our homes in summer. As a larva, it is a grey grub (also known as a 'leatherjacket') that lives underground, feeding on plants stems and roots.
2024-01-13 09:19:27
Can wingless dragons fly?
For example, Oriental Dragons are seldom depicted with wings, but they have structures above their legs that look like feathers and could have been mistaken for wings. According to most myths, these wingless dragons are capable of flight.
2023-10-21 11:21:55
Is red death a female dragon?
Although the Red Death is a female, Hiccup inaccurately kept referring the Red Death as a "he" in the movie throughout his battle against her.
2023-01-24 15:48:30
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