Can doom beat kratos?

Can doom beat kratos?

Can doom beat kratos?

Doom Slayer would easily get the upper hand early on thanks to his range. His weapons can unleash Hell on Kratos, thanks to the sheer variety of ranged pain at his disposal. However, one wrong move and the Blades of Chaos could reach Doom Slayer, enabling Kratos to zoom in and unleash his devastating combos.

  • 2024-02-03 23:43:55
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Who almost beat kratos?
He was in battle with a person called Gomor, they were enemies for years. No one knew why they were enemies. When they were fighting there were no Spartans left, only Gomor and Kratos. Gomor took his blade and almost stabbed Kratos in the heart but he didn't.
2023-11-11 16:02:05

Can doom beat superman?
Doctor Doom is one of the most powerful and formidable supervillains in the Marvel Universe. So much so that at one point in the 80s, he even managed to take down and defeat DC's Superman, one of the strongest and most powerful superheroes the DC Universe has to offer, in a Marvel/DC crossover comic.
2023-09-04 18:21:03

Can dr. doom beat kang?
Doom would win in a fight against Kang the Conqueror. This is because Doom's armor uses science and magic while Kang's armor only uses science. Doom's willpower also surpasses that of Kang. Additionally, Doom is a master sorcerer and this is another weapon in his arsenal that could help him defeat Kang.
2023-06-27 13:48:20

Who could beat kratos from marvel?
The Hulk's strength has no limits. While Kratos' rage seems to be the source of a lot of his power in battle, The Hulk could easily match this and more. The more angry Hulk gets, the stronger he becomes, and there's no way Kratos could cope with this on any level.
2023-02-14 10:57:39

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