Who is the smartest borderlands character?

Who is the smartest borderlands character?

Who is the smartest borderlands character?

Ryohei Arisu
Arisu has been playing games for most of his life, and perhaps this is where he got all his critical thinking skills. He survived all of the games he participated in using his brainpower. In every game, he managed to find clues and figure out the flaws. Indeed, Arisu is the smartest among the bunch.

  • 2024-02-16 06:54:18
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Is siren a good character borderlands 3?
Amara the Siren is a strong choice for Borderlands 3 players, and these character builds will help them play her to the fullest. Choosing which of the four new Vault Hunters to play as in Borderlands 3 is just the first of many choices affecting how one can play the game.
2024-02-16 11:56:57

Who is the annoying character in borderlands?
Professor Nakayama is a character who is, by design, annoying. Everything from his story to his banter and his missions is not only annoying but wildly disinteresting, for some. Even at the end of the DLC, his demise does nothing but make Vault Hunters wish they'd had that hunting trip.
2024-01-08 20:57:06

Does borderlands 3 dlc add new characters?
Barring a major change in Borderlands 3's direction, no more characters are coming. Sage goes on to explain why Gearbox has decided not to make any character DLC for Borderlands 3, a sentiment shared by Gearbox before.
2024-01-07 02:12:30

Who is the smartest mario character?
While he can be a bit goofy at times, there can be no doubt that Professor E. Gadd is a scientific genius without peer in the Mario Universe.
2023-12-22 00:22:09

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