Why did geralts mum abandon him?

Why did geralts mum abandon him?

Why did geralts mum abandon him?

After Geralt's father, the warrior Korin, was killed by vrans before he was born, his mother Visenna had difficulties raising him on her own. A freelancing mage (much like Yennefer), she left him with Vesemir and the witchers, hoping his life would have meaning since they were desperate for students.

  • 2024-02-19 08:23:50
Show all Q/A Info

Where is geralts house?
Geralt gets his own "home" known as Corvo Bianco in the Blood and Wine expansion for the Witcher 3. This vineyard can be upgraded and renovated with unique features such as a stable, library, chemistry station and many other beneficial additions.
2024-02-02 21:16:24

Do you lose mmr if you abandon during the pick phase?
Do you lose MMR if you abandon during the pick phase? Yes, you lose MMR every time you abandon ranked game. Even at pick phase.
2024-01-06 03:17:31

What is geralts wolf symbol?
Geralt's Symbol: Gwynbleidd
The most famous symbol in The Witcher, Gwynbleidd is an Elder Speech term for The White Wolf, a name many call Geralt. In all three Witcher games, this white wolf medallion/symbol can be seen in the user interface, surrounded by Geralt's health and other metrics.
2023-06-11 23:04:02

Who is geralts greatest enemy?
Eredin Bréacc Glas
The leader of the Wild Hunt and the main antagonist in The Witcher 3.
2023-03-25 13:03:06