Can master chief beat doom slayer?

Would master chief beat kratos?
Kratos sadly stomps. Chief's only real advantages are "Superior technology" and "More versatile weapons."
2024-01-17 17:40:44
Who wins doom guy or master chief?
Meanwhile, Earth created Master Chief specifically as a super soldier, meaning he comes to battle equipped with an advanced physique and a powerful suit. Master Chief may outlast Doom Guy in battle, but Doom Guy will want to end the fight quickly.
2023-12-14 08:36:49
Can goku beat doom slayer?
With that out of the way, Goku will win against the Doom Slayer. All Goku needs is to flick his finger at the puny and furious armored guy and the fight is over. Doom Slayer simply has no weapons or armor that can withstand Goku's absurd strength and speed.
2023-10-08 04:38:41
Can doom slayer beat saitama?
Doomguy has faced deadlier foes and according to lore, he can instantly resurrect himself, so Saitama can't put him down for good. Doomguy for an easy win.
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