Why kratos killed baldur?

Why kratos killed baldur?

Why kratos killed baldur?

He was finally gifted with merciful death after over a century of feeling lost and having no means of an end to his psychological suffering, so in a way, Kratos is actually relieving Baldur of his eternal suffering and thirst for revenge.

  • 2024-02-04 19:15:58
Show all Q/A Info

Why is kratos killing norse gods?
He learned from a dying Athena that Zeus is, in fact, his father, a fact Zeus kept secret because he wished to avoid a repetition of what he did to his own father, Cronos. Kratos rejected any notion of a relationship and vowed to kill Zeus and destroy Olympus.
2024-02-19 04:43:51

Who does kratos kill in ragnarok?
One of Odin's Einherjar, he meets his end when Kratos kills him with his own scythe. During a face off against Kratos and Freya, the protector of the Yggdrasil meets its end when it's beheaded as a rift closes.
2024-02-17 22:57:09

What happened after kratos killed zeus?
After Kratos killed Zeus, the latter also took an astral form, and forced Kratos into his own psyche. Kratos escaped his psyche, however, and successfully battled Zeus' astral form with the power of Hope.
2024-01-10 00:36:36

Why did loki killed baldur?
Treacherous Loki was jealous, so he disguised himself as a woman and discovered from Frigg that the mistletoe had never given an oath not to harm Balder. He had an arrow made from mistletoe and during the games he gave it to Balder's blind brother Hodor and tricked him into shooting Balder.
2023-04-02 15:36:43