Why is my scar black?

Why is my scar black?

Why is my scar black?

Hyperpigmentation refers to dark brown spots that form on the scar due to an overproduction of the skin pigment melanin. Once formed, this brown discoloration can be permanent. If you cannot avoid sun exposure, it's important to protect your scar from the sun by using a broad spectrum SPF 30 sunscreen.

  • 2023-03-02 00:02:39
Show all Q/A Info

What is the highest level in black ops 2?
After completing level 55 (max level) at Prestige 10 in Black Ops II, you will unlock a new Prestige level called Prestige Master. Once you are Prestige Master, you will no longer be able to use Prestige Awards because you can only have one Prestige Token available for use at any given time.
2024-02-05 22:22:18

What is the black thing under the joy-con?
The IR Motion Camera is located at the bottom of the (R) Joy-Con. The Nintendo Switch console does not have a built-in feature to verify the functionality of the IR camera. However, you can still check if the IR camera is working using compatible software.
2024-01-06 17:50:28

Can you avoid pvp in black desert online?
Once PvP mode is activated you can attack another player. To deactivate PvP mode again, you can press Alt + C or click on the sword and shield icon.
2023-06-22 04:48:06

Is vanguard related to black ops?
As seen in the teasers and trailers, Call of Duty: Vanguard has several connections to the Black Ops and Modern Warfare games. Call of Duty is one of the most renowned first-person shooter video game franchises published by Activision, released back in 2003.
2023-04-17 23:51:37