Why is apex file size so big?

Why is apex file size so big?

Why is apex file size so big?

According to the patch announcement, this large size is intended to allow developer Respawn to ensure that future patches are smaller.

  • 2023-10-17 19:31:11
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What is 16k video file size?
16K resolution most commonly refers to a digital video or image that measures 15360 x 8640 pixels.
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What is the file size of mw2 season 2?
MW2 Season 2 Reloaded Download Size
If you haven't downloaded it yet, then here are the file sizes you can expect for each system: PlayStation: 12.5GB to 13.2GB. Xbox: 25GB. PC: 28GB.
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What is the file size of gta trilogy on ps4?
This means that the original trilogy took up 7.191 GB altogether on the PS4 whereas the new trilogy looks to be coming in at 38.74 GB on PlayStation. Although it's five times bigger than the original collection, that's still pretty moderate compared to other high profile releases this year.
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How big is warzone 2 file size?
If you don't own the latest Call of Duty title, though, your Warzone 2 download will come in at the smaller 43GB file size.
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