What is a good cache size?

What is a good cache size?

What is a good cache size?

The higher the demand from these factors, the larger the cache needs to be to maintain good performance. Disk caches smaller than 10 MB do not generally perform well. Machines serving multiple users usually perform better with a cache of at least 60 to 70 MB.

  • 2023-02-15 03:38:21
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How many pieces is a good size puzzle?
“I would recommend starting with a 300- or 500-piece puzzle because you can finish them in a weekend or even a single evening if you put your mind to it,” he says. Then, if that's too easy, you can graduate to the puzzles with 1,000, 2,000 or even 3,000 pieces.
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Is xenoblade a good jrpg?
The series feels like the natural successor to the golden era of 90s JRPGs, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is no exception. If you're looking for an all-around excellent RPG experience, this is the game for you.
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What is a good 3-bet size?
What is a good 3-bet percentage? Strong, winning players do not 3-bet only their strongest hands. At the low stakes, a good 3-bet percentage will be around 5%–9%. Players can win aggressively with 3-bet percentages as high as 11%, however generally for beginners it is much easier to play with a tighter 3-bet range.
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Is far cry 3 a good game?
Far Cry 3 is fondly remembered as a pretty good action-adventure game and the best Far Cry release, but its place in history is far more important than that.
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