Which mass effect is easiest?

Which mass effect is easiest?

Which mass effect is easiest?

The general consensus is that Insanity Difficulty becomes slightly easier if you play as a Combat specialist class. Soldier is the obvious choice and does seem to make things easier on you — though the trade-off, according to a lot of long-time Mass Effect fans, is that Soldier is also the most boring class to play as.

  • 2024-02-16 11:43:54
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Do i need to play all mass effect games before andromeda?
No you don't. None of the characters from the original trilogy are in andromeda, it's set in the andromeda galaxy rather than our own, hence the name and that also means you won't be visiting any of the planets or locations from the original trilogy.
2024-02-17 06:31:54

What is the best class in mass effect legendary 1?
Ultimately, Soldier and Adept's more “straightforward” designs make them some of the most reliable picks for the Legendary Edition of the first game. Again, most classes will do well on most difficulty levels, but I recommend going with one of those two if you're looking for consistency.
2024-02-09 08:34:35

Who is the strongest reaper in mass effect?
Alliance intelligence suggests that Harbinger is the oldest and largest Reaper of the entire fleet.
2024-02-02 19:12:32

Which is better halo or mass effect?
In Mass Effect, choices are nice for players who like RPG elements, but they can greatly affect the sequence of events in each game. While each has its merits, players who really want to be told a story and take it all in during a single playthrough are much better off opting for Halo.
2024-01-12 02:34:17