Who did sauron seduce?

Who did sauron seduce?

Who did sauron seduce?

It was Celebrimbor
His name means "silver fist" or "hand of silver" in Tolkien's invented language of Sindarin. In Tolkien's stories, Celebrimbor was an elven-smith who was manipulated into forging the Rings of Power by the Dark Lord Sauron, in fair disguise and named Annatar ("Lord of Gifts").
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Celebrimbor - Wikipedia
who was seduced by Sauron in his guise as Annatar into sharing his knowledge of the making of Rings of Power
Rings of Power
The Rings of Power were made using the craft taught by Sauron to give their wearers "wealth and dominion over others". Each Ring enhances the "natural power" of its possessor, thus approaching its "magical aspect", which can be "easily corruptible to evil and lust of domination".
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Rings of Power - Wikipedia
, a knowledge that was to enable Sauron to make the One Ring
the One Ring
Powers. The Ring's primary power was control of the other Rings of Power and domination of the wills of their users. The Ring also conferred power to dominate the wills of other beings whether they were wearing Rings or not—but only in proportion to the user's native capacity.
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One Ring - Wikipedia
but also the Three Elven Rings that were to enable the Elves to resist Sauron and to do works of healing in Middle-earth
Middle-earth is the human-inhabited world, that is, the central continent of the Earth, in Tolkien's imagined mythological past. Tolkien's most widely read works, The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, are set entirely in Middle-earth.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Middle-earth
Middle-earth - Wikipedia

  • 2024-01-16 18:54:53
Show all Q/A Info

Who is the other if not sauron?
Although the finale, “Alloyed,” opens with the reveal that the Stranger is Sauron, that's a fakeout, and the trio of white-cloaked women who were after him was mistaken. We later learn that Halbrand is Sauron, while the Stranger is one of the Istari — the formal name for wizards in Middle-earth.
2024-01-19 21:40:13

Who did poseidon seduce?
Along comes the god of the sea – Poseidon who rapes Medusa in Athena's temple – the Parthenon. In doing this Medusa is no longer eligible to serve the goddess or legitimately marry. These laws or rules as you would call them also symbolize that women in ancient Greece were considered property.
2023-12-02 18:01:27

Who is stronger galadriel vs sauron?
In The Lord of the Rings, it is said that had Galadriel chosen to use her powers for evil instead of good, she would have been even more destructive and terrifying than Sauron himself. Galadriel was the greatest and most powerful of all Elves in Middle Earth in the Third Age.
2023-07-26 10:20:07

Who stabs sauron?
Thousands of years later, Sauron finally gathers enough strength to return to Middle Earth. This time, he is killed by Gollum, a former ring bearer who originally came to Mount Doom to stop the One Ring from being destroyed.
2023-02-16 03:36:49