Can u trade legendaries in pokemon go?

Can u trade legendaries in pokemon go?

Can u trade legendaries in pokemon go?

Fortunately, Legendaries can be traded, and this can be a great way to fill in those pesky Pokedex slots. Unfortunately, trading Legendary Pokemon can come with a hefty Stardust cost, which might be more of an issue for some players than others.

  • 2024-02-10 06:53:33
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Is it worth trading legendary pokémon?
Fortunately, Legendaries can be traded, and this can be a great way to fill in those pesky Pokedex slots. Unfortunately, trading Legendary Pokemon can come with a hefty Stardust cost, which might be more of an issue for some players than others.
2024-02-14 09:08:27

Why cant you trade shadow pokémon?
Because of their unique look and modified features, many players wish to trade Shadow Pokemon. But unfortunately, players cannot directly trade Shadow Pokemon. They are not like regular Pokemon that are stored in your collection and can be traded if you like.
2024-02-11 22:54:05

Can you trade a pokémon back scarlet and violet?
Trading Pokémon in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet can be done with friends or online players, you just need to open the Poké Portal app in your Rotom Phone, or head to the yellow spot outside every Pokémon Centre. Essentially you just need to be sure that the other trainer will trade you your evolved Pokémon back to you.
2024-01-05 23:03:16

Can you trade between pokémon games on the same 3ds?
Yes, you can. Despite the different names, the 2DS
The Nintendo 2DS is a handheld game console produced by Nintendo. Announced in August 2013, the device was released in North America, Europe and Australia on October 12, 2013. › wiki
Nintendo 2DS - Wikipedia
and 3DS have the same operating system. This means that they can run Sun and Moon without a problem. Because Sun and Moon are both Generation VII games, they can each trade directly to the other, either by local wireless trading, internet trading or the GTS.
2023-06-13 23:50:21