Which is better fury or arms warrior?

Should i play arms or fury warrior for leveling classic?
For Classic end-game content, Fury is the best spec for DPS Warriors. They will either use a slow 2H weapon with a Slam build or use two 1H weapons with high DPS as Dual-Wield Fury. For PvP, DPS Warriors will use a slow 2H weapon for an Arms Mortal Strike build.
2024-02-07 09:25:37
Are fury warriors self healing?
Defensively, Fury Warriors have moderate self-healing, but feature several defensive abilities on short cooldowns, making them very strong against constant rot damage, but the lack of immunity or cheat death mechanics leaves them vulnerable to high spikes of damage.
2024-01-19 20:14:55
Is arms better than fury 10.0 5?
Fury is overall, better than arms. The only thing arm excel at over fury is pure single target or pure aoe fight. The issue with Arms right now, is that it is very dependent on tier and has issues with the talent tree.
2024-01-04 08:31:42
Should i level my arms or fury?
For a total beginner to the class, although each specialization has strengths and weaknesses, we recommend Arms as the best leveling spec. Arms has a good combination between single-target and AoE group damage, and more self-healing options through the level 35 talent Second Wind.
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