Is gold mario the fastest?

Is gold mario the fastest?

Is gold mario the fastest?

It should be noted that Gold Mario has identical stats to Metal Mario (he's just a reskin), so you're unlocking him only for the prestige. He doesn't go faster or anything.

  • 2024-02-15 01:06:37
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Who is the fastest in mario kart 8?
At 4.75, Wario has the highest possible character speed in the game, making him a go-to for speed-focused kart configurations. Adding the Circuit Special kart and the Metal tires adds an extra 1.0 speed at the cost of acceleration, handling, and traction.
2024-02-16 02:43:53

Is the gold mario kart good?
Gold Standard (also known as the Gold Kart outside of North America) is an unlockable kart in Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8, and its Switch port. It offers good speed and weight, but bad acceleration and traction in both of the games. Its handling gives no effect.
2024-01-18 23:04:27

What is the fastest time in mario kart 8?
Mario Kart Stadium [150cc] - 1:34.636 - Byron (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe World Record) - YouTube.
2023-11-20 09:11:23

Who is the fastest mario kart 8 characters?
Wario, Circuit Special Kart, Metal Tires & Wario Wing
At 4.75, Wario has the highest possible character speed in the game, making him a go-to for speed-focused kart configurations. Adding the Circuit Special kart and the Metal tires adds an extra 1.0 speed at the cost of acceleration, handling, and traction.
2023-02-23 10:07:05