What is tifas canon bra size?

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Is michaels death canon?
Between this Michael revelation and what we already knew about Trevor, it's safe to say that the GTA 5 canon ending is indeed the one where Franklin, Michael, and Trevor all survive the events of the game.
2024-02-20 09:07:01
What size is tifa final fantasy?
“…Tifa's bra size is a Japanese G70, which is roughly a size 32” DDD,” she states.
2024-02-16 05:54:53
Which dr2 ending is canon?
Ending S was the original canon ending before the release of Dead Rising 2: Case West, although in E3 2013, the developers confirmed this ending is canon. As of Dead Rising 3's Overtime Mode, Ending A appears to be the true ending.
2024-02-03 23:50:25
Is arkham knight dc canon?
The Arkham Knight (Astrid Arkham) is canon.
2024-01-03 17:36:36
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