Which xbox is equivalent to ps3?

Did ps3 or xbox sell more?
The PS3 has sold 87.4 million units and the Xbox 360 has sold 84 million units. What makes this accomplishment for Nintendo more impressive is that the console debuted in 2017, reaching this figure in just under five years.
2024-02-10 15:18:48
Is xbox 360 stronger than ps3?
Better 3rd Party Games
Although the PS3 is technically more powerful than the Xbox 360, in most cases, the 360 received superior versions of multiplatform games. The 360 was simply easier to program for, as the PS3's complex system architecture was a nightmare for developers.
2024-01-16 02:11:52
Which is faster ps3 or xbox 360?
The two CPU chips run at the same GHz speed, but the PS3's seven individual cores beat out the Xbox's three dual-threaded cores. And in terms of performance measured in gigaflops, the PS3 tops out at nearly three times that of the Xbox.
2024-01-01 17:15:57
Which is better xbox or ps3?
Playstation 3 comes with a built-in Blu-Ray player that provides HD output with high-quality sound. Xbox 360 is known for its community experience and offers a friendlier environment for Windows, as it is tightly integrated with other Microsoft applications.
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