Why doesn t my nintendo eshop card have a code?

Why doesn t my nintendo eshop card have a code?

Why doesn t my nintendo eshop card have a code?

Some cards sold through retailers do not have a scratch-off code on the card itself – the code is only printed on the receipt you received when you made the purchase.

  • 2023-07-12 05:45:49
Show all Q/A Info

Where is the 16-digit code on nintendo eshop card?
Locate the receipt you received when you made the purchase. The download code is a 16-digit code that is printed on the receipt you received from the retailer.
2024-02-18 20:13:50

What if i scratched my nintendo eshop card?
We're sorry to hear you can't redeem your code due to it being damaged, but don't worry, we're here to help you! In order for us to do that, we just need you to send us some additional information: Two photos of the Nintendo eShop Card (one of each side) A photo of the receipt.
2024-02-16 05:13:52

Why doesn t nintendo make m rated games?
After the Wii lineup was dominated by family-friendly titles (along with rare exceptions like Mad World), Nintendo's then-president Satoru Iwata said in 2012 that the company felt it had neglected "those who play games as their hobby" in favor of more casual or new gamers.
2024-01-20 15:01:12

Why doesn t kylo ren have a darth name?
Even though Kylo Ren uses a red lightsaber, harnesses the dark side of the Force, and wears a cape, he is not a Sith. Because of that, he can never hold the title of Darth.
2023-11-21 21:09:07