Does erron black age?

Does erron black age?

Does erron black age?

Eventually, sorcerer Shang Tsung hired him to eliminate an Earthrealm warrior. Part of that agreement included providing Erron with magic to slow down his aging. Thus allowing the gunslinger to live for well over 150 years.

  • 2023-09-08 19:44:21
Show all Q/A Info

Does erron black have powers?
Powers & Abilities
Expert Marksman: Erron is highly skilled in using firearms. With a single shot from one of his revolvers, he is able to break multiple bones in his opponent's body with the use of trajectory.
2024-02-08 06:38:41

Is the black emporium free dragon age inquisition?
The Black Emporium is DLC expansion for Dragon Age: Inquisition available for free on Origin, PlayStation Network and Xbox Live. It is first accessed via the war table operation The Black Emporium that costs 0 power.
2024-01-19 09:25:41

Is erron black in the movie?
Sadly, Erron Black won't be in the movie.
2023-12-07 09:47:45

What type is erron black?
Erron Black is a confirmed fighter in Mortal Kombat X. Erron Black was first introduced to the MK continuity through Issue 2 of the Mortal Kombat X tie-in comic series. Black is depicted as a gunslinger-type character.
2023-06-08 10:15:13

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