Can a 13 year old watch instagram?

Can a 13 year old watch the dsmp?
Overall, the Dream SMP is really fun with a lot of character development and a (very) complex plot. It is hilarious, and has helped me get through the pandemic. It does contain a lot of inappropriate content so I would recommend being at least 13-14 (maybe older) to watch this show. I love it.
2024-02-20 23:30:43
Can a 13 year old watch thor?
Thor: Love and Thunder
Thor: Love and Thunder
Natalie Portman portrays Jane Foster in media set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). She makes her first appearance in the live-action film Thor (2011) before making subsequent appearances in the live-action films Thor: The Dark World (2013) and Thor: Love and Thunder (2022), in which she becomes the Mighty Thor. › wiki › Jane_Foster
Jane Foster - Wikipedia
is rated PG-13 for intense sci-fi violence, partial nudity, language, and suggestive Material which means some content may not be suitable for kids under 13. What is this?
2024-02-20 14:37:22
Can a 13 year old play red dead redemption?
(I was 14 by then) this game is truly beautiful, its NOT for kids though. if you're a good parent I wouldn't let your kid play this until they're at least a decently mature 13 year old. I won't judge if you let them play at younger but personally I don't think its a healthy choice. there is a lot of swearing.
2024-01-12 03:02:43
Can a 13 year old watch hitman?
Rated 15+ for strong violence and language.
2023-02-26 17:53:44
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