What is a realistic trading win rate?

What is a realistic trading win rate?

What is a realistic trading win rate?

You should be striving for a win rate of between 50% and 70%, and try to trade at risk/reward ratios of 1.0 for a higher win rate (60% to 70%), and between . 60 and . 65 for lower win rates (40% to 50%).

  • 2023-05-16 01:35:20
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Which gambit has the highest win rate?
The Deutz Gambit from the Italian Game is a great opening gambit for White after 1. e4. It has the highest win rate for White after 1. e4 e5, making it a great choice for players below 1800 ELO.
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What is the average win rate of blackjack?
Let's look at the winning probability — from multiple runs, the range is always between 42% to 43% and the losing probability is always between 47% to 49% , the losing probability is always higher than winning, which indicates the casino will end up making money than any one of us if we play a significant number of ...
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What is a good poker win rate per hour?
So here is a quick answer. Winning poker players at low stakes will make between $10 and $20 an hour. Winning poker players at mid stakes will make between $50 and $300 an hour. Winning high stakes poker players will make $500 an hour, $1000 an hour or more.
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What is ash charizard win rate?
7) Charizard
Having a win rate of 72%, Ash's next team member, Charizard, is arguably just as notorious as his Pikachu.
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