Is raiden a better dps than xiao?

Is raiden a better dps than xiao?

Is raiden a better dps than xiao?

Raiden is not that great of a dps at c0, while Xiao is. However, Raiden has a lot more options when it comes to teams, and has great utility as a support while Xiao can only be a main dps.

  • 2024-01-02 21:57:43
Show all Q/A Info

Is xiao a demon name?
Xiao (Chinese: 魈 Xiāo, "Mountain Demon") is a playable Anemo character in Genshin Impact. He is an adeptus, under the name Alatus, and the only known remaining member of the five foremost Yakshas dispatched by Morax to subdue the demonic spirits that plagued Liyue.
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Is mercy a dps healer?
As she exists now, Mercy's primary function is as a pocket healer and damage booster: She heals one ally at a time, or can choose to increase the power of their damage-dealing abilities. She's able to fly, giving her better mobility than other support heroes like Ana or Zenyatta.
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Does xiao have a crush on zhongli?
1 Xiao Loves Zhongli
This was shown when he protected Liyue from Osial, despite the fact that he believed the Geo Archon to be dead.
2023-11-06 00:45:05

Is overwatch a dps game?
More than half of the Overwatch roster are DPS. (15/28). There are only 7 tanks and 6 Supports. When the majority of heroes are damage dealers, you should expect more people to play them.
2023-06-21 10:33:11