Is scp-999 the best scp?

What scp kills scp-682?
Scp 173: 173's true form is someone made by the brothers death to stop the scarlet king, he already destroyed 1/3 of 682's kind which are stronger than 682. Scp 3812: 3812 is metapotent and can ascend 682's narrative entirely. Scp 001 (andrew): the writers, can delete 682 from the foundation.
2024-01-18 23:56:04
Which scp killed dr bright?
Dr. Bright died as a result of a containment breach of SCP-076-2, but his consciousness was attached to SCP-963 in the process. He has since been instrumental in work with several SCPs, and assisted in the refinement of many more.
2023-12-01 22:42:16
What is the age limit for scp game?
SCP Containment Breach 12+
2023-02-06 00:28:31
Who is scp-999s dad?
SCP-999 was born to SCP-231-7, the avatar of A'habbat, the seventh bride of the Scarlet King.
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