Is destiny 2 leaving xbox?

What is leaving in destiny 2 witch queen?
All bounties, missions, and quests from Season of the Risen--which launched with The Witch Queen expansion--up through the current Season of the Seraph will leave the game, except for PsiOps and Heist Battlegrounds activities. All Battlegrounds activities will be in the Vanguard Ops playlist in the upcoming season.
2024-02-19 19:17:17
Can you get banned for leaving games in destiny 2?
Players who frequently quit or are removed from Destiny Crucible or Gambit matches may receive a restriction or ban. To help ensure that every player will have a fair shot at fun and glory in Destiny 2 on PC, we resist attempts by third-party applications to insert code into the game client.
2024-01-05 19:50:20
What is the best start in destiny 2?
If you're looking to pick up Destiny 2, the best place to start would be the Destiny 2 Legacy Collection followed by Destiny 2: The Witch Queen. Finally, if you love what you've played, head into Destiny 2: Lightfall coming in 2023 and get ready for what's next.
2024-01-02 02:32:13
Is xur leaving destiny 2?
Like his arrival time, Xur will also leave the game every Tuesday at 6 PM BST /10 AM PT/1 PM ET, which incidentally is the exact same time as the Destiny 2 Weekly Reset.
2023-01-13 12:09:03
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