How many people pre ordered the steam deck?

How many people pre ordered the steam deck?

How many people pre ordered the steam deck?

During that time, SteamDB creator Pavel Djundik kept track of the sales tally, and by his count, the publicly reported queue for confirmed preorders exceeded 110,000 across those three sales regions.

  • 2023-09-11 06:19:32
Show all Q/A Info

Is the steam deck selling?
It's been just over a year since Valve launched its Steam Deck portable gaming PC — and it's just now going on sale.
2024-02-12 17:05:06

Does the steam deck overheat?
The Steam Deck is an incredible machine. However, it also gets incredibly hot. If you want to prevent the stuttering and crashes that inevitably come with overheating, you'll definitely want to do something about that. The Unitek Cooler Dock Pro offers one potentially good option.
2023-10-27 01:21:42

Can i cast steam deck to tv?
Steam Link® lets you wirelessly connect your Steam Deck to a TV through an app, which you should be able to download on your smart TV. Here's how to set it up: Open the Steam Link app on the smart TV. Follow the on-screen prompts to connect Steam Link to your Wi-Fi network.
2023-07-14 19:54:19

Why do people pre-order?
Pre-orders give you an edge, allowing you to lock-in more sales whether the merchandise is ready to ship or not. You have the power to never say “no” to a customer again, because now, when they're ready to buy, you're ready to sell (even if you're not ready to ship).
2023-01-16 18:37:06