How much time passed between me2 and me3?

How much time passed between fallout 1 and 2?
Although it takes place almost 100 years after the first game, Fallout 2 serves as a kind of direct narrative sequel to it. The player takes control of a descendent of the original game's main character who leads the humble surface village of Arroya (originally founded by the vault dweller of the first game).
2024-01-13 12:01:24
How much time passed between guild wars 1 and 2?
Guild Wars 2 takes place in the high fantasy world of Tyria, 250 years after the players' defeat of the Great Destroyer in the Eye of the North expansion.
2023-12-15 08:59:20
Is the booster course pass a one time purchase?
If you're buying the pass, this is a one-off cost; once you've paid the cash, you'll get access to every wave of tracks as they're released until the end of 2023.
2023-10-06 04:01:49
What do you get for importing from me2 to me3?
Bonuses for Importing Your Mass Effect 2 Save File
Your level from Mass Effect 2 will carry over to Mass Effect 3. Your Squad Members will also start at the same level. You will get Squad Points to upgrade your Powers based on your imported level.
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