What do warlocks need the most?

What roles do warlocks play in wow?
Warlocks deliver fire and shadow damage with their spells, and they're able to hurt others both instantly and with ongoing afflictions. Warlocks are adept at summoning their allies to their presence, whether said allies are other heroes or bloodthirsty demons.
2024-02-09 15:20:57
Are warlocks easy to level classic?
They have one of the highest kill speeds at any level range, a unique regeneration mechanic in Life Tap (which exchanges Health for Mana), and many spells that can restore their health without any outside assistance, making them one of the most efficient and quickest classes to level in Classic WoW.
2024-01-20 07:56:03
Are warlocks chaotic?
Alignment: Warlocks are often chaotic or evil (and more than a few are both). The powers they serve can be cruel, capricious, and wild, unbound by conventional views of right and wrong.
2024-01-14 04:13:42
Are warlocks strong in tbc?
As a Raiding Warlock in TBC you will be one of the top DPS classes on both Single Target and AoE packs. The only class that will consistently challenge your DPS is a BM Hunter on single-target DPS fights, and especially on fights with silencing effects like Gruul.
2023-07-08 17:10:59
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