What is the message behind bioshock?

What is the message behind bioshock?

What is the message behind bioshock?

The main themes of BioShock
The original BioShock borrows heavily from the works of Ayn Rand (author of Atlas Shrugged) and the philosophy of Objectivism. Essentially, objectivism is the belief that you should focus on yourself and your goals, before worrying about other people.

  • 2023-10-08 16:13:34
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What happens if you harvest the little sisters in bioshock 2?
The little girls who run around the game world collecting the mind- and body-altering ADAM give you a bonus either way: if you harvest them by killing the little girls, you get 160 ADAM. If you save them, you get 80 ADAM.
2023-12-24 14:13:16

Did bioshock 1 have dlc?
The original BioShock received one playable DLC, BioShock: Challenge Rooms. As the name suggests, Challenge Rooms offers players a selection of new areas that will predominantly test their combat and puzzle-solving skills.
2023-12-19 00:12:05

Is bioshock infinite a love story?
Whether it be a society in love with its own patented brand of American Exceptionalism, a leader in love with his own self-appointed immortal image, or a pair of people that come together to care for one another, BioShock Infinite is a love story.
2023-09-24 03:45:48

Why did everyone go crazy in bioshock?
The remaining citizens either became psychotic "Splicers" due to the effects of ADAM, a substance that can alter genetic material, or have barricaded themselves from the Splicers to protect themselves, leaving the city to fail and fall apart around them.
2023-09-08 07:55:06

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