How do you find a dead sim in sims 4?

How do you find a dead sim in sims 4?

How do you find a dead sim in sims 4?

Go to the mausoleum, located at the graveyard, and choose "manage the dead". Then you can take her urn, as well as the urns of any other Sims that died in other households. Hope I helped!

  • 2024-01-16 09:10:33
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How do you find a graveyard in sims 4?
If you want to visit a graveyard in Sims 4, you'll need to purchase the two DLCs – Cats & Dogs and Snowy Escape. The cemeteries are located in the Deadgrass Isle and the Senbamachi neighborhood in Mt. Komorebi.
2024-02-13 21:49:47

How do you find a lost tombstone in sims 4?
Go into build mode and open the cheat bar (ctrl shift C) and type in bb. showhiddenobjects. Then exit and enter build mode again. There should be a grave on the lot, most likely inside another grave (I think they mean here if you had a different sim die before).
2024-01-19 22:10:53

How do you bring back a dead sim in sims 4?
Ambrosia can be given to a summoned ghost, once the ghost eats it they will transform back into a living sim. To conjure a ghost sim, simply select the 'Mourn' prompt on their headstone or urn. Ghosts will eventually move on, however, so you must mourn them before their spirit moves on.
2024-01-08 08:18:48

How do you find a lost grave in sims 4?
Go into build mode and open the cheat bar (ctrl shift C) and type in bb. showhiddenobjects. Then exit and enter build mode again. There should be a grave on the lot, most likely inside another grave (I think they mean here if you had a different sim die before).
2023-05-25 17:05:17