What games are like gta kid friendly?

What games are like gta kid friendly?

What games are like gta kid friendly?

What is the most kid friendly GTA game? Lego City Undercover is an extremely fun action/adventure game that borrows heavily from the GTA franchise, but the content is age-appropriate for kids.

  • 2023-06-04 09:20:33
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Is skate 3 kid friendly?
This game is great. If you don't want your kid to hear the very few swear words you could just go into the settings and turn off the voice dialogue. I think this game should be available for everyone to play. I watch my kid play this often and play it myself every now and then, it is great fun to watch and play.
2024-02-14 03:35:42

Can you play gta in kid friendly?
Understanding GTA Online and what your kids will see in it
Common Sense Media is a public source that parents and kids use to rate how age-appropriate a show, movie, or game might be. In GTA Online's case, the common consensus is that the game should only be played by kids 13 years and older.
2024-02-13 12:42:03

Is city skylines kid friendly?
The board game is published by KOSMOS, which recommends it for 1-4 players, ages 10+.
2024-02-04 16:09:24

Is justice league kid friendly?
Individual scenes in Justice League might be fine for younger kids (there are some very good Wonder Woman and Amazon war scenes that I would say are fine for younger children than that but as a whole the film is very murky and dark and grim in tone.)
2024-02-01 00:06:36

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