Which final fantasy is a love story?

Is final fantasy 8 a love story?
First and foremost, it's a love story
FINAL FANTASY has always had a touch of romance - think Cecil and Rosa in FINAL FANTASY IV or Tidus and Yuna in FINAL FANTASY X. But FINAL FANTASY VIII was the first game to put a love story at the very heart of things.
2024-02-05 03:54:41
Is final fantasy a continuous story?
The Final Fantasy games are each stand alone stories with recurring elements from the overall franchise like the Chocobo and the Airship.
2024-01-02 20:36:48
Is final fantasy a weeb game?
No, not really, since FF1 it was mostly based in western fantasy, things like DnD and Ultima.
2023-12-06 04:51:21
Is bioshock infinite a love story?
Whether it be a society in love with its own patented brand of American Exceptionalism, a leader in love with his own self-appointed immortal image, or a pair of people that come together to care for one another, BioShock Infinite is a love story.
2023-09-24 03:45:48
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