Are undead always evil?

Are undead always evil?

Are undead always evil?

YES THERE CAN BE. But they are always individual unique exceptions to the rule. The process of becoming undead generally drives even good-hearted individuals to evil. There are exceptions but they ARE rare.

  • 2024-02-10 04:34:43
Show all Q/A Info

How long after does resident evil 2 take place?
Resident Evil 2 takes place in between the events of Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3 is a 2020 survival horror game developed and published by Capcom. It is a remake of the 1999 game Resident Evil 3: Nemesis. Players control former elite agent Jill Valentine and mercenary Carlos Oliveira as they attempt to find a vaccine and escape from a city during a viral outbreak. › Resident_Evil_3_(2020_video_game)
Resident Evil 3 (2020 video game) - Wikipedia
. Once Jill gets infected by NEMESIS and goes unconscious, RE2 events take place. When you get control of Jill again after Carlos' section, RE2 events are done.
2024-01-18 18:22:59

Is mewtwo an evil pokémon?
Unfortunately, Mewtwo had no intention of being subservient to humans and decided to forge his own place in the world. Mewtwo is a terrifying villain thanks to its unmatched power and its cold, calculated approach to things.
2024-01-15 19:18:22

Does resident evil 3 have 2 campaigns?
Are there Multiple Campaigns? Unlike the RE and RE 2
RE 2
Resident Evil 2 is a 2019 survival horror game developed and published by Capcom. › Resident_Evil_2_(2019_video_game)
Resident Evil 2 (2019 video game) - Wikipedia
, RE 3 only featured only one campaign. However, replayability was still a major factor.
2024-01-11 04:17:18

Is resident evil village set in spain?
For the village in Resident Evil Village, see Village (Village). Valdelobos (English: "Valley of Wolves") is a mountainous region of Spain.
2023-10-04 11:26:18