Are the stormcloaks or imperials more fun?

Should i join imperials or stormcloaks?
Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
2024-02-02 13:31:38
Who is right imperials or stormcloaks?
Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
2024-01-12 21:39:59
Are imperials or stormcloaks better?
Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
2023-05-05 02:30:07
Are the imperials or stormcloaks?
Pick Imperial if you want to play a character who is originally from a place aside from Skyrim, as it doesn't make sense to fight under a banner that ultimately won't accept you. Pick Stormcloak if you believe the Empire has no right to say what Skyrim denizens can and can't do, especially if you are a Nord.
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