Can i use 1.35 v ram instead of 1.2 v?

Can i use 1.35 v ram instead of 1.2 v?

Can i use 1.35 v ram instead of 1.2 v?

It should work just fine. However if the system already has 1.2v ram installed this could be the power limit. As long as you don't perform any overclocking on the 1.35v ram it should have no issues.

  • 2024-03-21 05:01:38
Show all Q/A Info

Can i play all of hitman 1 in hitman 2?
It's impossible to import Hitman 1 progress directly from that game. Hitman 1's levels were ported to Hitman 2 as the Legacy Missions Pack. This is considered Hitman 2 content, but can be unlocked for free if you have a full version of Hitman 1 (detailed below).
2024-02-13 03:49:46

Can i start with pillars of eternity 2 before 1?
No, you do not!
2024-02-04 04:22:21

Should i play monster hunter stories 1 before 2?
In Monster Hunter Stories 2, it's possible to jump right in without having played the first game. While the game is a sequel to the original Monster Hunter Stories, there's nothing that would prevent you from understanding the story of the second game if you haven't played the first game.
2024-01-17 02:05:55

Do i need to buy hitman 1 and 2 before 3 reddit?
I'd recommend playing through Hitman 2's content, especially if you care about the overall narrative. But even if you don't, on the whole Hitman 3's missions are more heavily tied to the story as far as it's objectives go, so they might feel a bit hollow if you skip 2.
2023-05-19 09:28:49