What is the highest point in los santos?

What is the highest point in los santos?

What is the highest point in los santos?

Mount Chiliad
At 2619 feet above sea level, it's the tallest mountain in San Andreas. A series of steep dirt trails lead to the top, or you can take the aerial tramway from Pala Springs. From the peak, on a clear day, you can see the skyscrapers of downtown Los Santos.

  • 2023-09-14 19:06:13
Show all Q/A Info

Which city inspired los santos?
Los Santos is a fictional city in the GTA universe, loosely based on Los Angeles and other California Coast cities.
2024-03-20 22:01:06

What is the richest part of los santos?
What is the richest city in GTA V? Richman or Richman Hills is a rich neighborhood in GTA V located in the north-west region of Los Santos. It is bordered by Vinewood Hills to the north, Rockford Hills to the east, Pacific Bluffs to the west and Morningwood to the south.
2024-01-04 01:23:28

What city is los santos modeled after?
Los Santos is a fictional city in the GTA universe, loosely based on Los Angeles and other California Coast cities.
2023-11-13 21:13:45

Where is real los santos?
The City of Los Santos, commonly known as Los Santos, is a city located in the State of San Andreas, and it is the first city encountered in Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It is based on Los Angeles, California. Los Santos translates to 'The Saints', a play on Los Angeles, meaning 'The Angels'.
2023-03-23 13:39:16