What is a good poker win rate per hour?

What is a good poker win rate per hour?

What is a good poker win rate per hour?

So here is a quick answer. Winning poker players at low stakes will make between $10 and $20 an hour. Winning poker players at mid stakes will make between $50 and $300 an hour. Winning high stakes poker players will make $500 an hour, $1000 an hour or more.

  • 2024-01-14 17:47:19
Show all Q/A Info

Is 1900 a good rapid chess rating?
1900-2100: an outstanding chess player. Possesses solid knowledge of chess openings
chess openings
White starts by playing 1.e4 (moving their king pawn two spaces). This is the most popular opening move and it has many strengths—it immediately works on controlling the center, and it frees two pieces (the queen and a bishop). The oldest openings in chess follow 1.e4.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Chess_opening
Chess opening - Wikipedia
and end games. Probably can play chess with his eyes closed, and win. 2100+: a chess genius.
2024-02-20 12:07:40

How do you know you are a good poker player?
To be a good poker player, you have to ensure that you are taking the game seriously every time you sit down at the table. Doing this helps to keep your focus on the game and on what you are doing. If you are focused on the game itself, then you are less likely to make mistakes that could cost you time and money.
2024-01-16 21:56:15

Is 9 10 a good poker hand?
These starting poker hands aren't very strong and only prove their worth when a straight is flopped. And the problem with this hand is that even if you hit your straight you know it isn't the nuts and there is another one higher than yours.
2023-06-14 15:31:36

What is a realistic trading win rate?
You should be striving for a win rate of between 50% and 70%, and try to trade at risk/reward ratios of 1.0 for a higher win rate (60% to 70%), and between . 60 and . 65 for lower win rates (40% to 50%).
2023-05-16 01:35:20