Does zack survive?

Did zack fair survive?
After safeguarding the comatose Cloud
Cloud Strife (Japanese: クラウド・ストライフ, Hepburn: Kuraudo Sutoraifu) is a fictional character and the main protagonist of Square's (now Square Enix's) 1997 role-playing video game Final Fantasy VII, its high-definition remake, and several of its sequels and spinoffs. › wiki › Cloud_Strife
Cloud Strife - Wikipedia
for some time, Zack finds himself confronted by a seemingly endless array of Shinra troops, and he dies defending Cloud.
2024-02-03 12:50:22
Is zack mentioned in ff7?
Appearances. Zack had only a small role in the original Final Fantasy VII. He is first mentioned by name in Gongaga, his hometown, where his parents are oblivious as to what became of him after he left to join SOLDIER, and are worried for his safety after not hearing from him for years.
2024-01-17 01:43:41
Why does shepard only survive the destroy ending?
While the Destroy Ending eliminated the Reapers
The Reapers are a fictional fleet of sentient starships that serve as the main antagonists of the Mass Effect trilogy. The design of the Reapers was inspired by H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu Mythos deities. Within the series, the Reapers cause galactic-level mass extinctions every fifty-thousand years. › wiki › Reapers_(Mass_Effect)
Reapers (Mass Effect) - Wikipedia
, it also destroyed the relays and all synthetic lifeforms, such as the geth and EDI. If the player has enough Galactic Readiness, Shepard is shown to have survived all the destruction.
2024-01-07 21:22:50
How long can human survive in cold?
In 2014, the National Weather Service put together a chart that explained how long you can last in extreme cold before you suffer from frostbite. As you can see, you can only last in minus 23 degrees for about 30 minutes before you suffer frostbite.
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