How to avoid relationship with liara?

How to avoid relationship with liara?

How to avoid relationship with liara?

If you want to avoid romancing Liara, you should make sure you tell her that your relationship is strictly professional. Further, you should avoid upsetting either Kaidan or Ashley while the Normandy is grounded on the Citadel, as the game will then assume you're in a romance with Liara.

  • 2023-05-03 21:44:50
Show all Q/A Info

How old are shepard and liara?
The series begins in 2183, so Shepard 28/29 years old. Liara starts the series out at 106, which I've come to understand as relatable to be anywhere between 17-20 in human culture. So he's not that young, but Liara is pretty young, at least culturally and by species.
2024-02-07 11:10:39

How do you avoid poker cheats?
Use Two Decks and Shuffle Behind the Dealer
That means when you're done dealing a hand, you just shuffle the cards while the player to your left is dealing. This will stop players from setting up the deck over the course of the preceding hand while they're dealing.
2023-11-04 10:28:17

Can you avoid pvp in black desert online?
Once PvP mode is activated you can attack another player. To deactivate PvP mode again, you can press Alt + C or click on the sword and shield icon.
2023-06-22 04:48:06

How do i keep a relationship with liara?
You'll want to pick "There's no rush" to continue the Romance. After you complete all four Mission Worlds and return to the Citadel, the Normandy will be grounded and Liara will appear to comfort Shepard. Unless you consistently pick Renegade options here, your romance with Liara will be Locked In.
2023-02-25 23:35:02