Who is handsome jacks girlfriend in borderlands?

Who is handsome jacks girlfriend in borderlands?

Who is handsome jacks girlfriend in borderlands?

Nisha was one of the Vault Hunters that was hired by Handsome Jack. During her job, Nisha fell in love with Jack because of his sadistic nature and eventually became his girlfriend. Later Jack tasked her to become the tyrannical Sheriff of Lynchwood.

  • 2024-01-10 00:22:39
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How did handsome jack become evil?
There's little doubt that Handsome Jack is evil. There's some small room for sympathy when you see how he was driven insane by betrayal after betrayal, but a man who happily oppresses an entire world and kills everyone in his way is pretty solidly evil.
2024-02-06 22:38:33

Is handsome jack really evil?
Yes, Handsome Jack is evil, but part of the reason why he is such a successful villian is because he did, at some point, have a purpose behind his actions. He hates bandits, and he finds others untrustworthy, especially Vault Hunters.
2024-02-04 19:41:44

What legendary does handsome jack drop?
He has a similar loot pool to The Warrior, with an increased chance to drop: Handsome Jack's Mask heads (legendary variant) Volcano. Impaler.
2024-01-10 05:50:51

Which borderlands was handsome jack?
In September 2012, Handsome Jack debuted in Borderlands 2. The character is introduced blowing up the train the Vault Hunters, the player characters, are on after luring them to the planet Pandora, with the ultimate goal of finding the next Vault and the power within it.
2024-01-09 14:38:56

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