Is pokemon brilliant diamond really easy?

Are shinies rare in pokemon brilliant diamond?
For one, the base shiny odds in BDSP are the same as they've been in all games since Gen Six - 1 in 4096. These are your odds of running into a shiny in a random wild encounter or having a legendary or starter be shiny on any given reset.
2024-02-12 08:50:10
Can you get darkrai in pokémon brilliant diamond?
You can catch Arceus and Darkrai in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl after obtaining two special items. Players can now get two more mythical Pokemon in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl.
2024-01-05 04:24:32
Why cant i get darkrai in pokémon brilliant diamond?
To encounter Darkrai, you'll need to have the Member Card, which will be distributed via Mystery Gift between April 1 and April 30. Once you've obtained the Member Card, you'll gain access to the locked inn at Canalave City. Upon entering the inn, you'll travel to Newmoon Island, where you'll encounter Darkrai.
2023-05-10 10:20:09
What is special about pokémon brilliant diamond?
The Skull Fossil is exclusive to Brilliant Diamond and produces Cranidos, while the Armor Fossil is only available in Shining Pearl and turns into Shieldon.
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